Marketing Ideas for Hotels

Marketing Ideas for Hotels

Marketing Ideas for Hotels

You work in a hotel’s marketing department


You are an hotel owner

You want the best for your hotel for sure

So let’s start

What this article will cover

Hotels marketing

Customer experience

Social media marketing for hotels

Hotels Marketing

Hotels marketing will be based on the customer experience

You have to give your customers their best experience


Fast room service response

You can ask questions about the person’s lifestyle, hobbies, and birthday date

(You are now collecting insights about your existing guest)

So you should use those insights

For Example:

If it’s the guest’s birthday send a birthday cake to their room

(People may travel on their birthdays keep that in mind)

The person said he is a gym shark so show them where is the gym

if you don’t have a gym send a gym matt with two dumbbells’ to their room

what if the person is coming to just relax you can offer a 50% discount on the spa service

Marketing ideas:

Seasonal decorations

for example, if we are in winter: make a winter centerpiece such as
snowflakes and a panda or a Christmas tree with a Santa clause

people love to have pictures with seasonal decorations and post it to their social media

If they tagged you repost

make deals with football teams so you can host them

you can also host the world wide if your hotel is multinational

host conferences and seasonal parties

conferences and services:

if a bank head office wants to have make a presentation with its employees host it and make services like drinks and food(F&B)

A company having a celebration you can also host them

make deals with gyms so the gym members can access your spa and try it out using a promo discount

If you have a wedding hall make special room rates for wedding guests

Have a partition inside a mall to market to your hotel services and promotions

Make deals with tourism companies

Make deals with companies such as:

offers for employees to use on their holidays and spend it at your hotel

or if they travel on business trips and your hotel is located in more than one country then the company can always book rooms at your hotel for its employees

Social media strategy:

if you have a restaurant post food videos and pictures

invite social media influencers to have a free night all inclusive , with the spa experience and all services so they can post about everything

If there is a place that plays live sports events in the hotel like a bar of café post the events dates and time

Post sports events dates and times that will show in your hotel’s bar or café

Marketing Ideas for Hotels

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